{excerpt}Opens an existing Excel spreadsheet.{excerpt}
 public virtual Workbook Open(System.String fileName)
Public Overridable Function Open(ByVal fileName As String) As Workbook
{param:fileName}The path and name of the file to open. The path can be relative or  absolute. The file must be a OOXML format \(Excel 2007 or later\) .xlsx file or BIFF8 format \(Excel 97 or later\) .xls file.{param}
{returns}A [Workbook|Workbook] object representing the file opened.{returns}
{exception:System.Exception}If the file cannot be found or opened, or if ExcelWriter cannot parse the file as a OOXML or BIFF8 file.{exception}
{remarks}ExcelWriter supports  Excel's OOXML \(Excel 2007 or later\) and BIFF8 \(Excel 97 or later\) format only.  Do not use  this method  to open BIFF7 \(Excel 95\) files.


          Workbook wb = xla.Open(@"C:\Reports\Report.xlsx");
Dim wb As Workbook = xla.Open("C:\Reports\Report.xlsx"){code}
