{obsolete}This method has been deprecated, as it is not the most efficient way to edit Column properties.  Instead, use the [Worksheet.GetColumnProperties(Int32)] method to return the [ColumnProperties] object of the desired column.{obsolete}
{excerpt}Returns an [Area|Area] object representing all the cells in a specified group of columns. An area is a rectangular collection of cells.{excerpt}
 public Area CreateAreaOfColumns(int firstCol, int numCols)
Public Function CreateAreaOfColumns(ByVal firstCol As Integer, ByVal numCols As Integer) As Area
{param:firstCol}The 0\-based index of the first column.{param}
{param:numCols}The number of columns to include.{param}
{returns}An {{Area}} object representing the set of cells in the specified columns.{returns}
Area a = ws.CreateAreaOfColumns(0, 25);{code}
Dim a As Area = ws.CreateAreaOfColumns(0, 25){code}
