{excerpt}A [Cells|Cells] collection represents the set of cells in a worksheet.{excerpt}
 public sealed class Cells
<DefaultMember("Item")> _
	Public NotInheritable Class Cells

          ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();
          Workbook wb = xla.Create();
          Worksheet ws = wb.Worksheets[0];
          Cells cls = ws.Cells;

          Dim xla As New ExcelApplication()
          Dim wb As Workbook = xla.Create()
          Dim ws As Worksheet = wb.Worksheets(0)
          Dim cls As Cells = ws.Cells

|[Item(Int32, Int32)|Cells.Item(Int32, Int32)]|{excerpt-include:Cells.Item(Int32, Int32)|nopanel=true}|