{excerpt}Creates and returns a [Table|Table] at the beginning of this Element. The table will contain the specified number of rows and columns. It will also be formatted with the properties specified.{excerpt}
 public virtual Table InsertTableBefore(int rows, int columns, TableFormatting props)
Public Overridable Function InsertTableBefore(ByVal rows As Integer, ByVal columns As Integer, ByVal props As TableFormatting) As Table
{param:rows}An {{int}} representing the number of rows the table will have.{param}
{param:columns}An {{int}} representing the number of columns the table will have.{param}
{param:props}A [TableFormatting|TableFormatting] object representing the formatting properties to apply to the table.{param}
{returns}A {{Table}} object representing the newly created table.{returns}
Table tbl = e.InsertTableBefore(2, 3, tFormatting);{code}
Dim tbl As Table = e.InsertTableBefore(2, 3, tFormatting){code}
