{excerpt}Returns a [TableCell|TableCell] object that represents the table cell that exists at the given column and row.{excerpt}
 public TableCell this[int row, int column] { get; }
Public Default ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal row As Integer, ByVal column As Integer) As TableCell
{param:row}An {{int}} representing the table cell's row.{param}
{param:column}An {{int}} representing the table cell's column.{param}
{returns}An {{TableCell}} object that represents the table cell that exists at the given column and row.{returns}

          WordApplication app = new WordApplication();
          Document doc = app.Create();
          Table table = doc.InsertTableAfter(1, 1);
          TableCell cell = table[0, 0];

          Dim app As New WordApplication()
          Dim doc As Document = app.Create()
          Dim tbl As Table = doc.InsertTableAfter(1, 1)
          Dim tc As TableCell = tbl(0, 0)
