{excerpt}Streams the specified presentation to the client.  It should be the only method that uses the response object, as it automatically sets response headers, clears the body of the response, and flushes it to the client.{excerpt}
 public virtual void Save(Presentation presentation, System.Web.HttpResponse response, System.String attachmentName, boolean openInBrowser)
Public Overridable Sub Save(ByVal presentation As Presentation, ByVal response As System.Web.HttpResponse, ByVal attachmentName As StringByVal, openInBrowser As Boolean)
{param:presentation}A [Presentation|Presentation] object representing the presentation to save.{param}
{param:response}A {msdn:System.Http.Response|System.Http.Response} object, usually  [Page.Response|Page.Response].{param}
{param:attachmentName}Specifies a file name for the presentation. This name will be displayed in the download dialog when the file is streamed to the browser.{param}
{param:openInBrowser}If true, the spreadsheet will be opened in place in Internet Explorer, rather than spawning a separate PowerPoint window.{param}


          PowerPointApplication pptApp = new PowerPointApplication();
          Presentation pres = pptApp.Create(PowerPointApplication.FileFormat.Pptx);

          //--- Do something here
          pptApp.Save(pres, Page.Response, "generated.pptx", false);

          Dim pptApp As New PowerPointApplication()
          Dim pres As Presentation = pptApp.Create(PowerPointApplcation.FileFormat.Pptx)

          '--- Do something here
          pptApp.Save(pres, Page.Response, "generated.pptx", False )
