{excerpt}Opens a [Workbook|Workbook] from an [ExcelTemplate|ExcelTemplate] object.{excerpt}
 public virtual Workbook Open(ExcelTemplate excelTemplate)
Public Overridable Function Open(ByVal excelTemplate As ExcelTemplate) As Workbook
{param:excelTemplate}An {{ExcelTemplate}} object representing the workbook to open.{param}
{returns}Workbook that is opened.{returns}
If your template file is the new Office Open XML (.xlsx) format, you can pass it into the [ExcelApplication.Open|EW8:ExcelApplication.Open(ExcelTemplate)] method just as you would a BIFF8 (.xls) Excel file. You will need to remember to give the output file a ".xlsx" extension when you call [Save |EW8:ExcelApplication.Save]as ExcelWriter cannot convert .xlsx files to .xls


{exception:System.Exception}If there is a problem creating, opening, or writing to the  file specified, or reading from the {{Workbook}} object.{exception}

          ExcelTemplate xlt = new ExcelTemplate();

          //--- Do something with template here

          ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();

          Dim xlt As New ExcelTemplate()

          '--- Do something with template here

          Dim xla As New ExcelApplication()
