{introducedin: 8.4}


The {{SummarizeByType}} class contains the Excel value field summarize by types supported by ExcelWriter.{excerpt}
{signature:C#} public sealed class SummarizeByType{signature}{signature:vb.net}Public NotInheritable Class SummarizeByType{signature}

|| Name || Description ||
| {anchor:Average}Average | The average of the values.|
| {anchor:Count}Count | The number of data values. works the same as the COUNTA worksheet function.|
| {anchor:CountNumbers}CountNumbers | The number of data values that are numbers. Works the same as the COUNT worksheet function. |
| {anchor:Max}Max | The largest value.|
| {anchor:Min}Min | The smallest value.|
| {anchor:Product}Product | The product of the values.|
| {anchor:StdDev}StdDev | An estimate of the standard deviation of a population,
where the sample is a subset of the entire population. |
| {anchor:StdDevp}StdDevp | The standard deviation of a population, where the
population is all of the data to be summarized.|
| {anchor:Sum}Sum | The sum of the values.|
| {anchor:Var}Var | An estimate of the variance of a population, where the
sample is a subset of the entire population.|
| {anchor:Varp}Varp | The variance of a population, where the population is
all of the data to be summarized.|