Returns a DataPointMarker object, representing the data marker of a point on a line, radar, or scatter series.

<table class="wysiwyg-macro" data-macro-name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" style="background-image: url(/plugins/servlet/confluence/placeholder/macro-heading?definition=e3VubWlncmF0ZWQtd2lraS1tYXJrdXB9&amp;locale=en_GB&amp;version=2); background-repeat: no-repeat;" data-macro-body-type="PLAIN_TEXT"><tr><td class="wysiwyg-macro-body"><pre>
 public DataPointMarker Marker{ get; }
<p>Public ReadOnly Property Marker() As DataPointMarker</p>

Once this property is accessed on an individual point, that point will no longer inherit from the Marker set in the Series.DataPointMarker. Changes to the series' marker will no longer be reflected in the individual point's marker.