{description} {excerpt}Sets or returns a {{double}} that represents the kerning threshold for a character run in points.{excerpt} {signature:C#} public double Kerning{ get; set; } {signature}{signature:vb.net} Public Property Kerning() As Double {signature} {remarks}If this is zero, then kerning is disabled for a character run. The maximum value is 1638 points. Values beyond these will be automatically adjusted. {remarks} {example}{code:csharp|title=C#} //--- Return Kerning int kerning = oFont.Kerning; //--- Set Kerning to 12 pt oFont.Kerning = 24; {code} {code:vb.net|title=vb.net} '--- Return Kerning Dim kerning As Integer = oFont.Kerning '--- Set Kerning to 12 pt oFont.Kerning = 24 {code} {example} |