{excerpt}Returns an {{int}} representing the width of a particular column.  The [GetPreferredColumnWidth|Table.GetPreferredColumnWidth(Int32)] method returns the width of the column in twips. One twip = \(1/20 pt\) or \(1/1440 in\).{excerpt}
 public int GetPreferredColumnWidth(int column)
Public Function GetPreferredColumnWidth(ByVal column As Integer) As Integer
{param:column}An {{int}} representing the column index of the desired column.{param}
{returns}An {{int}} representing the width in twips for the column at the specified column index.{returns}
{remarks}MS Word equivalent: Table menu > Table properties... > Column tab > Size section > Column \#: > Preferred width:


          //--- Get the width of the 3rd column
          int columnWidth = oTable.GetPreferredColumnWidth(2);

          '--- Get the width of the 3rd column
          Dim columnWidth As Integer = oTable.GetPreferredColumnWidth(2)
