{excerpt}Used to specify a line style for borders.{excerpt}
 public sealed class LineStyle : TypesafeEnum
Public NotInheritable Class LineStyle
		Inherits TypesafeEnum
|{anchor:DashLargeGap}DashLargeGap|Dashed line with large gaps|
|{anchor:DashSmallGap}DashSmallGap|Dashed line with small gaps between the dashes|
|{anchor:Dot}Dot|Dotted line|
|{anchor:DotDash}DotDash|Dot\-dash line|
|{anchor:DotDotDash}DotDotDash|Dot\-dot\-dash line|
|{anchor:Double}Double|Double line|
|{anchor:DoubleWave}DoubleWave|Two wavy lines|
|{anchor:Emboss3d}Emboss3d|Line with 3\-dimensional embossed effect|
|{anchor:Engrave3d}Engrave3d|Line with 3\-dimensional engraved effect|
|{anchor:Hairline}Hairline|Very thin line|
|{anchor:None}None|No line|
|{anchor:Single}Single|Single line|
|{anchor:Thick}Thick|Thick line|
|{anchor:ThickThinLargeGap}ThickThinLargeGap|Thick line over thin line with a large gap between the lines|
|{anchor:ThickThinMediumGap}ThickThinMediumGap|Thick line over thin line with a medium gap between the lines|
|{anchor:ThickThinSmallGap}ThickThinSmallGap|Thick line over thin line with a small gap between the lines|
|{anchor:ThinThickLargeGap}ThinThickLargeGap|Thin line over thick line with a large gap between the lines|
|{anchor:ThinThickMediumGap}ThinThickMediumGap|Thin line over thick line with a medium gap between the lines|
|{anchor:ThinThickSmallGap}ThinThickSmallGap|Thin line over thick line with a small gap between the lines|
|{anchor:ThinThickThinLargeGap}ThinThickThinLargeGap|Thick line with thin lines above and below, and large gaps between the lines|
|{anchor:ThinThickThinMediumGap}ThinThickThinMediumGap|Thick line with thin lines above and below, and medium gaps between the lines|
|{anchor:ThinThickThinSmallGap}ThinThickThinSmallGap|Thick line with thin lines above and below, and small gaps between the lines|
|{anchor:Triple}Triple|Triple line|
|{anchor:Unknown}Unknown| |
|{anchor:Wave}Wave|Wavy line|