Returns the style for the first cell in the range. Changes to this style will apply only to the first cell. To assign this style to the entire Range, set Range.SetStyle() to this Style reference.

<table class="wysiwyg-macro" data-macro-name="unmigrated-wiki-markup" style="background-image: url(/plugins/servlet/confluence/placeholder/macro-heading?definition=e3VubWlncmF0ZWQtd2lraS1tYXJrdXB9&amp;locale=en_GB&amp;version=2); background-repeat: no-repeat;" data-macro-body-type="PLAIN_TEXT"><tr><td class="wysiwyg-macro-body"><pre>
 public Style FirstCellStyle{ get; }
<p>Public ReadOnly Property FirstCellStyle() As Style</p>
Style firstStyle = rng.FirstCellStyle;
Dim firstStyle As Style = rng.FirstCellStyle