{excerpt}Imports data from a {msdn:System.Data.DataTable|DataTable} into a [Table|Table] at the point of this [Element|Element] in the document. Also accepts a [DataImportProperties|DataImportProperties] object that contains the options for importing.{excerpt}
 public Table ImportData(System.Data.DataTable data, DataImportProperties props)
Public Function ImportData(ByVal data As System.Data.DataTable, ByVal props As DataImportProperties) As Table
{param:data}Contains the data to be imported.{param}
{param:props}Import properties for this data import, including max rows, max columns, column filter, etc.{param}
{returns}The {{Table}} that the data was imported into.{returns}
Table tbl = e.ImportData(dt, importProps);{code}
Dim tbl As Table = e.ImportData(dt, importProps){code}
