{excerpt}Sets or returns an {{int}} that represents the height in twips.{excerpt}
 public int Height{ get; set; }
Public Property Height() As Integer
{remarks}The width of Paragraph must be between 0.01" \(15 twips\) and 22" \(31680 twips\).  The width of a table must be between 0" \(0 twips\) and 22" \(31680 twips\). Values beyond these will be automatically adjusted.


          //--- Get Height
          int height = oAbsolutePositioning.Height;

          //--- Set Height to 3 inches
          oAbsolutePositioning.Height = 4320;

          '--- Get Height
          Dim height As Integer = oAbsolutePositioning.Height

          '--- Set Height to 3 inches
          oAbsolutePositioning.Height = 4320
