{excerpt}Sets or returns a [TableCell.WidthUnits|TableCell.WidthUnits] object that represents the cell width units for this cell.{excerpt}
 public WidthUnits CellWidthUnits{ get; set; }
Public Property CellWidthUnits() As WidthUnits
{remarks}MS Word equivalent: Table menu > Table Properties... > Cell tab > Size section > Measure in:


          //--- Return CellWidthUnits
          TableCell.WidthUnits widthUnits = cell.CellWidthUnits;

          //--- Set CellWidthUnits
          cell.CellWidthUnits = TableCell.WidthUnits.Auto;

          '--- Return CellWidthUnits
          Dim widthUnits As TableCell.WidthUnits = cell.CellWidthUnits

          '--- Set CellWidthUnits
          cell.CellWidthUnits = TableCell.WidthUnits.Auto
