Imports the data from a rectangular array into a Table at the point of the current element in the document. Also accepts an array of column names and a DataImportProperties object with the import options.

 public Table ImportData(System.Object[,] data, System.String[] columnNames, DataImportProperties props)
Public Function ImportData(ByVal data As Object(,), ByVal columnNames As String(), ByVal props As DataImportProperties) As Table

The rectangular array to import the data from.

Array of column names, corresponding to columns of data in the rectangular array.

Import properties for this data import, including max rows, max columns, column filter, etc.

The Table that the data was imported into.

Table tbl = e.ImportData(rectArray, colArray, importProps);
Dim tbl As Table = e.ImportData(rectArray, colArray, importProps)