Sets a boolean that represents if the row height is "exact" (true) or "at least" (false).

 public void SetRowHeightExact(int row, boolean exact)
Public Sub SetRowHeightExact(ByVal row As Integer, ByVal exact As Boolean)

An int representing the row index to set RowHeightExact for.

A boolean that represents if the specified row's height should be "exact" (true) or "at least" (false).

MS Word equivalent: Table menu > Table properties... > Row tab > Size section > Row #: > Row height is:

Note: To set this property, you must first set the RowHeight property.

          //--- Set RowHeightExact for the 3rd row to exact
          oTable.SetRowHeightExact(2, true);

          '--- Set RowHeightExact for the 3rd row to exact
          oTable.SetRowHeightExact(2, True)