
In the course of debugging, it can often be difficult to visualize the structure of documents as they are manipulated by WordApplication.

Our documentation has an overview of how WordApplication represents a Word document and how to insert elements using WordApplicationThis post provides a generalized function for displaying the structure of a document.

The code below provides a function "UnfoldDocument" which will produce a formatted text representation of the element hierarchy in a given Document. Output assumes a monospaced font and is suitable for writing to a plain-text file, printing to a console or inserting in a tag on an ASP.Net page.

To make use of this function, pass it a reference to a document object as shown:

WordApplication wa = new WordApplication();
Document doc = wa.Open(chosefile.FileContent);


public string UnfoldDocument(Document d)
    StringBuilder tree = new StringBuilder();
    RUnfold(d, 0, new List(), tree);
    return tree.ToString();

// Helper method that recursively traverses the document tree
private void RUnfold(Element e, int tab, List line, StringBuilder ret)
    // Handle "leaf element" classes and output meaningful text representations
    if (e.ElementType == Element.Type.Hyperlink)
        string link = ((Hyperlink)e).GetUrlString();
        ret.AppendFormat("Hyperlink: '{0}' -> ({1})", e.Text, link);
    else if (e.ElementType == Element.Type.MergeField)
        string fname = ((MergeField)e).GetFieldName();
        ret.AppendFormat("MergeField: '{0}' -> ({1})", e.Text, fname);
    else if (e.ElementType == Element.Type.InlineImage)
        InlineImage image = (InlineImage)e;
        ret.AppendFormat("InlineImage: {0} x {1}", image.Width, image.Height);
    else if (e.ElementType == Element.Type.CharacterRun)
        // Escape control sequences and wrap CharacterRun
        // output to 60 columns for readability purposes
        string text = e.Text;
        text = text.Replace("\r", "\\r");
        text = text.Replace("\n", "\\n");
        text = text.Replace("\t", "\\t");
        ret.Append("CharacterRun: '");
        for (int x = 0; x < text.Length; x++)
            if ((x % 61) == 60)
                ret.Append(' ', 14);
    // Recursively traverse the children of non-leaf elements
    for (int x = 0; x < e.Children.Length; x++)
        Element child = e.Children[x];
        ret.AppendFormat("\n{0}|\n{0}|--", tabs(tab, line));
        if (x == e.Children.Length - 1) { line[tab] = false; }
        RUnfold(child, tab + 1, line, ret);
    line[tab] = true;

// Helper method that produces appropriate tabbing for each line of output
public string tabs(int n, List line)
    char[] ret = new char[n*3];
    for (int x = 0; x < (n * 3); x++)
        if ((line[x/3])&&(x%3 == 0)) { ret[x] = '|'; }
        else { ret[x] = ' '; }
    return new String(ret);