{excerpt}Returns a [Border|Border] object on which you can manipulate the border properties of a paragraph for a specified location. Valid Border locations are: Top, Left, Bottom, Right, Between, and Bar. Bar and Between are less obvious locations and they are explained below.{excerpt}
 public Border GetBorder(Location location)
Public Function GetBorder(ByVal location As Location) As Border
{returns}A {{Border}} object on which you can manipulate the border properties of a paragraph at the given location.{returns}
{remarks}*Between* refers to a border to place between conforming paragraphs. Two paragraphs conform when both have borders, their brcLeft and brcRight matches, their widths are the same, they both belong to tables or both do not, and have the same [AbsolutePositioning|ParagraphFormatting.AbsolutePositioning] settings.

*Bar* refers to a border to be displayed on outside of text when facing pages are displayed.

MS Word equivalent: Format menu > Borders and Shading... > Borders tab


          oParagraphFormatting.GetBorder(Border.Location.Top).LineStyle =

          oParagraphFormatting.GetBorder(Border.Location.Top).LineStyle = _
