Returns an int representing the line spacing for a paragraph.

 public int LineSpacing{ get; }
Public ReadOnly Property LineSpacing() As Integer

There are three types of line spacing: AtLeast, Exactly, and Multiple. AtLeast and Exactly are set in twips. One twip = (1/20 pt) or (1/1440 in). Multiple is set in number of lines. AtLeast must be between 0 pt (0 twips) and 1584 pt (31680 twips). Exactly must be between 0.7 pt (14 twips) and 1584 pt (31680 twips). Multiple must be between 1 line and 132 lines. Values beyond these for all 3 types will be adjusted automatically.

MS Word equivalent: Format menu > Paragraph... > Indents and Spacing > Spacing section > At:

The default value for this property is 2.

          //--- Return LineSpacing
          int lineSpacing = oParagraphFormatting.LineSpacing;

          '--- Return LineSpacing
          Dim lineSpacing As Integer = oParagraphFormatting.LineSpacing