{excerpt}The [Palette|Palette] class represents Excel's color palette. {excerpt}
 public sealed class Palette
Public NotInheritable Class Palette
{remarks}Each Excel document has a single color palette that manages the colors for formatting and some drawing layer colors. A color palette contains 56 colors that may be referenced. Each of these 56 colors may be customized, but changing a color in the palette will affect all formatting that uses the referenced color. A workbook's color palette is accessible through [Workbook.Palette|Workbook.Palette].


          ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();
          Workbook wb = xla.Create();
          Palette pal = wb.Palette;

          Dim xla As New ExcelApplication()
          Dim wb As Workbook = xla.Create()
          Dim pal As Palette = wb.Palette

|[GetClosestColor(Int32, Int32, Int32)|Palette.GetClosestColor(Int32, Int32, Int32)]|{excerpt-include:Palette.GetClosestColor(Int32, Int32, Int32)|nopanel=true}|
|[GetColor(Int32, Int32, Int32)|Palette.GetColor(Int32, Int32, Int32)]|{excerpt-include:Palette.GetColor(Int32, Int32, Int32)|nopanel=true}|
|[SetColor(Color, Int32, Int32, Int32)|Palette.SetColor(Color, Int32, Int32, Int32)]|{excerpt-include:Palette.SetColor(Color, Int32, Int32, Int32)|nopanel=true}|
|[SetColorAt(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)|Palette.SetColorAt(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)]|{excerpt-include:Palette.SetColorAt(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)|nopanel=true}|