{excerpt}Imports data from an ADO.NET {msdn:System.Data.DataTable|DataTable}  to cells in the worksheet. The new data will +overwrite+ values and formulas in the target worksheet cells, but existing formatting will be preserved.{excerpt}
 public Area ImportData(System.Data.DataTable data, Cell cell)
Public Function ImportData(ByVal data As System.Data.DataTable, ByVal cell As Cell) As Area
{param:data}The {{DataTable}} to import.{param}
{param:startCell}The cell at which to start entering the imported values.{param}
{returns}An [Area|Area] object representing the set of cells populated with the imported values.{returns}
Area importedArea = ws.ImportData(dataDT, cel);{code}
Dim importedArea As Area = ws.ImportData(dataDT, cel){code}
