{excerpt}A [ChartRegion.HorizontalAlignment|ChartRegion.HorizontalAlignment] value determines the horizontal alignment of text in the specified chart area or plot area.

_([ChartRegion]s obtained from [Chart.Legend], [Chart.ChartArea], and [Chart.PlotArea] don't support HorizontalAlignment or VerticalAlignment.)_
 public sealed class HorizontalAlignment : TypesafeEnum
Public NotInheritable Class HorizontalAlignment
		Inherits TypesafeEnum
|{anchor:Center}Center|Text in the chart region will be horizontally centered.|
|{anchor:Justify}Justify|Text in the chart region will be justified.|
|{anchor:Left}Left|Text in the chart region will be left\-aligned.|
|{anchor:Right}Right|Text in the chart region will be right\-aligned.|