{excerpt}Returns a [ListEntry|ListEntry] object representing an empty list entry that is inserted at the given index, which is indented to the level specified. [index|#param-index] and [level|#param-level] start at 0. The maximum level is 8 \(9 levels total\).{excerpt}
 public ListEntry InsertEntry(int index, int level)
Public Function InsertEntry(ByVal index As Integer, ByVal level As Integer) As ListEntry
{param:index}An {{int}} representing the index at which to insert the new entry.{param}
{param:level}An {{int}} representing the level to assign to the new entry.{param}
{returns}A {{ListEntry}} object representing the newly inserted entry.{returns}

          ListEntry entry = lst.InsertEntry(0, 0);

          Dim entry As ListEntry = lst.InsertEntry(0, 0)
