{introducedin: 8.4}{description}
{excerpt}Sets the value of the specified property.{excerpt}
 public void SetDocumentProperty(BuiltInProperty property, System.Object propertyValue)
Public Sub SetDocumentProperty(ByVal [property] As BuiltInProperty, ByVal propertyValue As Object)
{param:property}A [DocumentProperties.BuiltInProperty|DocumentProperties.BuiltInProperty] object that represents the built\-in property to set.{param}
{param:propertyValue}An {{Object}} that represents the value of the property specified.{param}

{exception:ArgumentException}{{SetDocumentProperty}} will throw this exception if an invalid type is passed for the property.

* _CreationDate_, _EditTime_ and _LastPrintedDate_ must be of type {{System.DateTime}}.
* _RevisionNumber_ must be of type {{int}}.
* _ScaleOrCrop_ and _LinksUpToDate_ must be of type {{Boolean}}.


*This feature is available in OOXML files (DOCX/DOCM) only.*

Setting the value to null will clear any existing values.

This is the MS Word equivalent of File menu > Info > Show All Properties:

{web-only:To see what this looks like, go to our online documentation:}
!DocumentProperties.png|thumbnail, border=1! !DocumentPropertiesPanelSelection.png|thumbnail, border=1! !DocumentPropertiesPanel.png|thumbnail, border=1!{web-only}

//--- Set "Author" Property
WordTemplate wt = new WordTemplate();
wt.SetDocumentProperty(DocumentProperties.BuiltInProperty.Author, "Jennifer WordSmith");

//--- Set "Author" Property
Dim wt As New WordTemplate()
wt.SetDataSource(DocumentProperties.BuiltInProperty.Author, "Jennifer WordSmith")
