{excerpt}Sends the generated Word binary file to the specified {msdn:System.IO.Stream} or, a class derived from {{System.IO.Stream}} \(for example, {msdn:System.IO.FileStream}\).{excerpt}
 public void Save(System.IO.Stream outputStream)
Public Sub Save(ByVal outputStream As System.IO.Stream)
{param:oStreamObj}A {{System.IO.Stream}} object \(for example, {{Response.OutputStream}}\) or, a class derived from {{System.IO.Stream}} \(for example, {{System.IO.FileStream}}\){param}
{exception:ArgumentNullException}{{Save}} will throw this exception if {{null}} \(C\#\) or {{Nothing}} \(VB.NET\) is passed to the method.{exception}
{remarks}If you pass [Save|WordTemplate.Save] a {{System.IO.FileStream}}, WordWriter will save the generated file on the server. If you pass {{Save}} {{Response.OutputStream}}, WordWriter will stream the the generated file to the client.

You can call {{Save}} more than once for a single instance of [WordTemplate]. This allows you to save more than one copy of a generated file, and/or both save the file on the server and stream it to the client.


          //--- Open a FileStream object, pass it to
          //--- the Save method, and close the FileStream object.
          FileStream oFileStream = new FileStream(@"c:\temp\StreamOutput.doc", FileMode.Create);

          //--- Could put this in a finally block

          '--- Open a FileStream  object, pass it to
          '--- the Save method, and close the FileStream object.
          Dim oFileStream As New FileStream("c:\temp\StreamOutput.doc", _

          '--- Could put this in a finally block
          If Not oFileStream Is Nothing Then
          End If
