{introducedin: 8.4}
{excerpt}Creates a new {{[EW8:PivotTableField]}} of the appropriate type in a {{FieldCollection{}}}{excerpt}
 public PivotTableField CreateField(SourceField field)
Public Function CreateField(ByVal field As SourceField) As PivotTableFIeld
{param:field}The {{[EW8:SourceField]}} to build the {{[EW8:PivotTableField]}} from.{param}
{returns}A new {{[EW8:PivotTableField]}}.{returns}
The name of a PivotTable field defaults to the name of the source field unless the field is a data field, or a field with that name already exists in the table. All data field names will have a unique number appended to the end. If a data field name was changed later to be the name of the source field, the name of any row label, column label, or page field created from the same source field will have a unique number appended to the end.