{excerpt}A {{NamedObject}} object may refer to an array, number, picture, or range. To create a {{NamedObject}} in an Excel file, use the corresponding method for the specific object you wish to create \([Pictures.CreatePicture\(\)|Pictures.CreatePicture], [Workbook.CreateRange\(\)|Workbook.CreateRange], etc\).  To get a {{NamedObject}} from an existing file, use [Workbook.GetNamedObject\(\)|Workbook.GetNamedObject(String)], passing in the name of the object you wish to get.

 public sealed class NamedObject
Public NotInheritable Class NamedObject

The following sample gets a {{NamedObject}} from a [Workbook|Workbook].
          ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();
          Workbook wb = xla.Open(@"C:\MySpreadsheet.xls");
          NamedObject namedObj = wb.GetNamedObject("MyNamedObject");
          Dim xla As New ExcelApplication()
          Dim wb As Workbook = xla.Open("C:\MySpreadsheet.xls")
          Dim namedObj As NamedObject = wb.GetNamedObject("MyNamedObject")


Named objects with type {{ReturnType.Range}} can also be accessed (as {{Range}} objects) through the {{Workbook.GetNamedRange}} and {{Worksheet.GetNamedRange}} methods.  These objects will change their value like other ranges in response to adding or deleting rows, and other similar actions.  

Named objects with type {{ReturnType.Formula}} and {{ReturnType.ExternalReference}}, though they may contain formulas with cell references, will not respond to such actions.