Creates a new Series that is automatically added to the SeriesCollection.

 public Series CreateSeries(Range range, ChartType chartType, AxisType axisType)
Public Function CreateSeries(ByVal range As Range, ByVal chartType As ChartType, ByVal axisType As AxisType) As Series

A Range object representing the cells that contain the source data for the new series.

The type of series to add. This method will throw an exception if the specified type is not compatible with an existing series type in the chart.

Specifies whether the series will be associated with the primary or secondary axis.

A Series object representing the new data series.

The rules for creating series are described under SeriesCollection. If these rules would be violated by creating this series, then an ArgumentException will be thrown and the series will not be created. You will instead need to specify a ChartType and AxisType that are consistent with the rules for creating series.