Saves a specified Presentation an OOXML format .pptx file.

 public virtual void Save(Presentation presentation, System.IO.Stream stream)
Public Overridable Sub Save(ByVal presentation As Presentation, ByVal stream As System.IO.Stream)

A Presentation object representing the presentation to save.

The output stream to write to. This stream must be open and writable. PowerPointWriter will not close this stream; the calling program is responsible for closing the stream and releasing the resource.

          PowerPointApplication pptApp = new PowerPointApplication();
          Presentation pres = pptApp.Create(PowerPointApplication.FileFormat.Pptx);
          FileStream fstream = new FileStream(@"C:\temp\outfile.pptx",

          Dim pptApp As New PowerPointApplication()
          Dim pres As Presentation = pptApp.Create(PowerPointApplication.FileFormat.Pptx)
          Dim fstream As New FileStream("C:\temp\outfile.pptx", _
          pptApp.Save(pres, fstream)