Returns a TableCell.WidthUnits object that represents the units used for the width of a particular column.

 public WidthUnits GetPreferredColumnWidthUnits(int column)
Public Function GetPreferredColumnWidthUnits(ByVal column As Integer) As WidthUnits

An int representing the column index for which to get the width units.

A TableCell.WidthUnits object representing the units used at the specified column index.

MS Word equivalent: Table menu > Table properties... > Column tab > Size section > Column #: > Measure in:

          //--- Get the column width units for the 3rd column
          TableCell.WidthUnits oCellWidthUnits =

          '--- Get the column width units for the 3rd column
          Dim oCellWidthUnits As TableCell.WidthUnits = _