Returns a TableCell object that represents the table cell that exists at the given column and row.

 public TableCell this[int row, int column] { get; }
Public Default ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal row As Integer, ByVal column As Integer) As TableCell

An int representing the table cell's row.

An int representing the table cell's column.

An TableCell object that represents the table cell that exists at the given column and row.

          WordApplication app = new WordApplication();
          Document doc = app.Create();
          Table table = doc.InsertTableAfter(1, 1);
          TableCell cell = table[0, 0];

          Dim app As New WordApplication()
          Dim doc As Document = app.Create()
          Dim tbl As Table = doc.InsertTableAfter(1, 1)
          Dim tc As TableCell = tbl(0, 0)