This class is used to represent a list in a Word document. Lists are part of the BlockElement objects of an Element. Using this class, Lists can be read and written. Lists contain list entries, which are basically paragraphs with additional features.

 public sealed class List : Element
Public NotInheritable Class List
		Inherits Element

To create a new list, use Element.InsertListBefore() or Element.InsertListAfter(). To get an existing list, use Element.GetElements(Element.Type).

The following sample demonstrates how to create a new list at the end of a document as well as how to get the first list of a document.

          //--- Insert a numbered list at the end of a new document with one entry
          WordApplication app = new WordApplication();
          Document doc = app.Create();
          List lst = doc.InsertListAfter(true);
          lst.InsertTextAfter("First list entry.", false);

          //--- Get the first list of an existing document
          WordApplication app = new WordApplication();
          Document doc = app.Open(@"C:\sample.doc");
          List lst = doc.GetElements(Element.Type.List)[0];

          '--- Insert a numbered list at the end of a new document with one entry
          Dim app As New WordApplication()
          Dim doc As Document = app.Create()
          Dim lst As List = doc.InsertListAfter(True)
          lst.InsertTextAfter("First list entry.", False)

          '--- Get the first list of an existing document
          Dim app As New WordApplication()
          Dim doc As Document = app.Open("C:\sample.doc")
          Dim lst As List = doc.GetElements(Element.Type.List)(0)









InsertEntry(Int32, Int32)