Returns or sets an int that represents the preferred width of this cell. In order to set this property, the CellWidthUnits property must first be set. The width is returned in twips. One twip = (1/20 pt) or (1/1440 in).

 public int PreferredWidth{ get; set; }
Public Property PreferredWidth() As Integer

MS Word equivalent: Table menu > Table Properties... > Cell tab > Size section > Preferred width:

          //--- Return PreferredWidth
          int preferredWidth = cell.PreferredWidth;

          //--- Set PreferredWidth to 1 inch
          cell.CellWidthUnits = TableCell.WidthUnits.Twips;
          cell.PreferredWidth = 1440;

          '--- Return PreferredWidth
          Dim preferredWidth As Integer = cell.PreferredWidth

          '--- Set PreferredWidth to 1 inch
          cell.CellWidthUnits = TableCell.WidthUnits.Twips
          cell.PreferredWidth = 1440