Saves the generated Word file on the server.

 public void Save(System.String outputFileName)
Public Sub Save(ByVal outputFileName As String)

Specifies a complete path and file name for the generated file. WordWriter will save the file to this location. If a file with the same name exists, it will be overwritten by the new Word file.

Save will throw this exception if null (C#) or Nothing (VB.NET) is passed to the method.

You can call Save more than once for a single instance of WordTemplate. This allows you to save more than one copy of a generated file and/or save the file on the server and stream it to the client.

          WordTemplate oWW = new WordTemplate();
          oWW.SetDataSource(arrValue, arrName);

          Dim oWW As New WordTemplate()
          oWW.SetDataSource(arrValue, arrName)