Sets the amount of information written to the debug log file. To create a log file, you must also specify the full path of the file in the HTMLToWord.LogFileName property. If no errors occur then HTMLToWord does not generate a log file.

public LoggingLevel DebugLogLevel{ get; set; }
Public Property DebugLogLevel() As LoggingLevel

For a list of valid property values, see HTMLToWord.LoggingLevel.

//--- Get the current logging level.
HTMLToWord.LoggingLevel currentLogLevel = h2w.DebugLogLevel;

//--- Set the log level of the h2w object equal to Debug
h2w.LoggingLevel = HTMLToWord.LoggingLevel.Debug;
h2w.LogFileName = @"c:\HTMLToWord\Logfile.txt";
'--- Get the current logging level.
Dim currentLogLevel As HTMLToWord.LoggingLevel = h2w.DebugLogLevel

'--- Set the log level of the oHTMLToWord object equal to Trace
Dim h2w As New HTMLToWord()
h2w.DebugLogLevel = HTMLToWord.LoggingLevel.Trace
h2w.LogFileName = "c:\HTMLToWord\Logfile.txt"