Sets or returns a Document.Autoformat object representing autoformat type for this document. Possible values: Normal, Letter, Email.

 public Autoformat AutoformatType{ get; set; }
Public Property AutoformatType() As Autoformat

The default value for a new Document is Autoformat.Normal.

MS Word equivalent: Format menu > Autoformat... > Please select a document type to help improve the formatting process



          //--- Return AutoformatType
          Document.Autoformat oAutoformatType = oDocument.AutoformatType;

          //--- Set AutoformatType
          oDocument.AutoformatType = Document.Autoformat.Letter;
          '--- Return AutoformatType
          Dim oAutoformatType As Document.Autoformat = oDocument.AutoformatType

          '--- Set AutoformatType
          oDocument.AutoformatType = Document.Autoformat.Letter