Saves a Workbook as a PDF file at a specified file path.

 public static void SavePdf(Boolean onlySelectedWorksheets, String filePath)
Public Static Sub SavePdf(ByVal onlySelectedWorksheets As Boolean, ByVal filePath As String)

If true, only selected worksheets will be saved to the PDF. If false, all visible worksheets in the workbook will be saved to the PDF.

A string representing the filepath you would like to save the PDF to.


If there is a problem creating, opening, or writing to the file specified, or reading from the Workbook object.

The Worksheet.PageSetup property will be used to specify how each worksheet should be rendered to the PDF document.  The individual PageSetup options are reflected in the final document.  Each worksheet uses its own PageSetup property to determine how that worksheet should be rendered.

           ExcelApplication xla = new ExcelApplication();
           Workbook WB= xla.Create(FileFormat.Xlsx);
           WB.SavePdf(false, "Path/filename.pdf");
	   Dim oExcelApp As New ExcelApplication()           
       Dim wb As Workbook = oExcelApp.Create(FileFormat.Xlsx)       
       wb.SavePdf(False, "Path/filename.pdf")