
h1. New in SSRS Integration 8.0!
SSRS Integration in OfficeWriter 8.0 does this...
Other exciting new things!!
Isn't ExcelWriter 8.0 awesome??

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h1. SSRS Integration 8.0 Documentation


{excerpt:hidden=true} The gist of ExcelWriter, and how to start producing reports quickly. {excerpt}
[Installing OW Designer|Automatic Installation]
[Installing OfficeWriter| Docs:Installation (old)]
[Hello, World! Tutorial|Hello, World Tutorial]
h1. What is SSSRS Integration?
OfficeWriter Reporting Services Integration enhances [Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services|http://www.microsoft.com/sql/reporting/] by allowing users to design and deliver their reports in native Word and Excel. The OfficeWriter Designer is a toolbar add-in for Microsoft Excel and Word. It allows the user to design a report [template|what is an officewriter excel template?] in Excel or Word instead of Visual Studio. The template is then  	integrated into the Reporting Services xml-based [Report Definition File (RDL)|Microsoft RDL files] format for publishing on the reporting server. The renderer runs on the Reporting Services server. The renderer interprets the template information that was added to the RDL file with the OfficeWriter Designer and populates the template with data supplied by Reporting Services.
h1. Standard Edition vs. Enterprise Edition

h1. Tutorials