Sets or returns the vertical (y) position of the workbook window's upper left corner when displayed in Excel.

 public int VerticalPosition{ get; set; }
Public Property VerticalPosition() As Integer

In Excel 2007 and 2010 this property is measured in twips.
Values may be different than in ExcelApplication for earlier versions of Excel.

          //--- Get the vertical position of the workbook window's upper left corner
          int winVert = wb.VerticalPosition;

          //--- Set the vertical position of the workbook window's upper left corner
          wb.VerticalPosition = 100;

          '--- Get the vertical position of the workbook window's upper left corner
          Dim winVert As Integer = wb.VerticalPosition

          '--- Set the vertical position of the workbook window's upper left corner
          wb.VerticalPosition = 100