Converts points to twips. 1 point = 1/72 inch = 20 twips.
1 inch = 72 points = 1440 twips

 public int FromPoints(double pts)
Public Function FromPoints(ByVal pts As Double) As Integer

The number of points to convert.

The result of the conversion (twips).

          WordApplication wwApp = new WordApplication();
          Document doc = wwApp.Create();
          Section section = doc.CreateSectionAfter();
          section.PageWidth = TwipsConverter.FromPoints(612);
          section.PageHeight = TwipsConverter.FromPoints(792);

          Dim wwApp As New WordApplication()
          Dim doc As Document = wwApp.Create()
          Dim section As Section = doc.CreateSectionAfter()
          section.PageWidth = TwipsConverter.FromPoints(612)
          section.PageHeight = TwipsConverter.FromPoints(792)