Sets or returns an int that represents the spacing between characters in a character run in twips. One twip = (1/20 pt) or ( 1/1440 in). This number can be negative (decreased spacing) or positive (increased spacing).

 public int CharacterSpacing{ get; set; }
Public Property CharacterSpacing() As Integer

The minimum value is -1584 pts and the maximum value is 1584 pts. Values beyond this will be automatically adjusted.

MS Word equivalent: Format menu > Font... > Character spacing tab > Spacing:

          //--- Return CharacterSpacing
          int charSpacing = oFont.CharacterSpacing;

          //--- Set CharacterSpacing to 2 points
          oFont.CharacterSpacing = 40;

          '--- Return CharacterSpacing
          Dim charSpacing As Integer = oFont.CharacterSpacing

          '--- Set CharacterSpacing to 2 points
          oFont.CharacterSpacing = 40