Creates and returns a Paragraph object that represents a new empty paragraph at the beginning of this Element. The paragraph that is inserted will have the style specified, to which any additional specified paragraph formatting is applied as well. If this Element is in the middle of a paragraph, the containing paragraph will be split.

 public virtual Paragraph InsertParagraphBefore(NamedStyle style, ParagraphFormatting props)
Public Overridable Function InsertParagraphBefore(ByVal style As NamedStyle, ByVal props As ParagraphFormatting) As Paragraph

A NamedStyle object representing the base style of this paragraph. The base style also affects the character style of any text added to this paragraph. If this is null, the style will be "Normal".

A ParagraphFormatting that represents formatting properties that should override the paragraph properties found in the style.

A Paragraph object that represents a new empty paragraph at the beginning of this Element. Even though the paragraph is empty there will always be at least a single carriage return.

Paragraph p = e.InsertParagraphBefore(doc.Styles[NamedStyle.BuiltIn.Normal], pFormatting);
Dim p As Paragraph = e.InsertParagraphBefore(doc.Styles(NamedStyle.BuiltIn.Normal), pFormatting)