Hello World Tutorial
This tutorial will walk you through writing a snippet of text to a PowerPoint presentation using PowerPointTemplate.
- Hello World using PowerPointTemplate — PowerPointWriter's PowerPointTemplate approach allows you to write data to a template presentation that contains data markers. The dta markers tell PowerPointWriter where to bind specific sets of data. This tutorial will show you the basics of dynamically inserting data into a presentation using PowerPointTemplate by taking custom text from a web form textbox and inserting it into a template file.
Basic Tutorials
- Project Proposal — The Project Proposal contains information about a new software project, including team members and expected costs. This sample consists of three parts that demonstrate the basics of designing a presentation with PowerPointWriter. By the end of this sample you will be able to create a presentation that takes advantage of the features of both PowerPointTemplate and PowerPointApplication.
- Employee Training — The New Employee Training is a presentation for a new employee orientation. It includes information such as company history and job expectations This sample consists of three parts that demonstrate the basics of designing a presentation with PowerPointWriter. By the end of this sample you will be able to create a presentation that takes advantage of the features of both PowerPointTemplate and PowerPointApplication.