OfficeWriter Designer .NET was introduced in version 8.6.0 of OfficeWriter. It is a completely rewritten version of our Excel Designer add-in using more modern technologies than the existing OfficeWriter Designer. The OfficeWriter Designer .NET is written in .NET/C# using VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office). It has no dependence on COM or VBA. The new Designer .NET has better platform support (i.e. 64-bit Office) and is more robust. However, it does not yet support all of the features found in the original Designer. Additional functionality will be added to future releases of the Designer .NET.
Benefits of OfficeWriter Designer .NET
- Office 64-bit support
- No dependencies on COM/VBA
- More robust handling on modifications to queries in Visual Studio/Report Builder
- Better parameter support with the View functionality
Limitations of Designer .NET
- Does not update references to shared data sources when publishing to a new folder on the report server. It may be necessary to update shared data source file paths through Report Manager.
- Preserves SSRS formulas created in the old Designer, but does not provide a way to create or edit the formulas.
- OfficeWriter Designer .NET is only available in Excel
- Unable to retrieve or publish directly to/from a SharePoint report library
- No built-in query builder available. Queries must be built in Visual Studio or Report Builder.
- RDLs created from the MS Query integration in the old Designer are not supported
Feature | OfficeWriter Designer .NET | OfficeWriter Designer |
Office 2007 | Excel 2007 (up through SP3) | Excel and Word 2007 SP2 or SP3 |
Office 2010 | Excel 2010 (32-bit and 64-bit) | Excel and Word 2010 (32-bit only) SP1 |
Office 2013 | Excel 2013 (32-bit and 64-bit) | Excel and Word 2013 (32-bit only) |
System requirements | .NET 4.0 or higher | Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) |
SQL Server Reporting Services Version
Feature | OfficeWriter Designer .NET | OfficeWriter Designer |
SSRS 2005 | Not supported | RDLs created in VS 2005 supported. |
SSRS 2008 (R2) | RDLs created in Visual Studio 2008/2010, Report Builder 3.0 | RDLs created in Visual Studio 2008/2010, Report Builder 3.0 |
SSRS 2012 | RDLs created in Visual Studio 2010/2012, Report Builder 3.0 | RDLs created in Visual Studio 2010/2012, Report Builder 3.0 |
Basic Designer Functionality
Feature | OfficeWriter Designer .NET | OfficeWriter Designer |
Open a report (server/disk) | Prevents users from opening multiple reports at once | Users can open multiple reports at once which may lead to corrupted reports. |
Save a report (server/disk) | Defaults to XLSX. Remembers last-saved file format. | Defaults to XLS for each save. Does not remember last-saved file format. |
View |
Import a template | Supported | Supported in Excel and Word |
Report properties | Available in the toolbar | Can only be edited when saving to disk |
Insert data place holders based on data sets | Supports inserting data markers (Excel) | Supports inserting data markers (Excel), merge fields (Word) and defining repeat blocks (Word) |
Native query builder | Not currently supported | Available through MS Query integration |
Report Robustness
Feature | OfficeWriter Designer .NET | OfficeWriter Designer |
Modifying data sets in Visual Studio or Report Builder | Safe actions:
| Safe actions:
Modifying fields in queries in Visual Studio or Report Builder | Safe actions:
| Safe actions:
SQL Server Reporting Services RDL Features
Feature | OfficeWriter Designer .NET | OfficeWriter Designer |
Shared data sources |
| Correctly handles shared data sources with absolute and relative paths stored in the RDL |
Report Models | Not currently supported | Supported |
Formulas/expressions defined in Visual Studio or Report Builder | Not currently supported | Not currently supported. * |
Open from a report library | Not currently supported | SharePoint 2007 supported |
Save to a report library | Not currently supported | SharePoint 2007 supported |
Backwards Compatibility with OfficeWriter Designer files
OfficeWriter Designer Feature | OfficeWriter Designer .NET Support |
RDLs with OfficeWriter Reporting Services formulas | Formulas will be preserved. Reports that have formula data markers will still populate the formulas. Formulas are not accessible for adding, removing, or modifying in Designer .NET |
RDLs with Word templates from OfficeWriter Designer | Fully backwards compatible. |
RDLs with Excel templates from OfficeWriter Designer | Fully backwards compatible. |
RDLs created from MS Query integration in the OfficeWriter Designer | Not currently supported. |