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Creating a Paragraph

To insert a paragraph in a section of your document, use one of the following methods. All of the methods insert a parapraph at a specified point in an Element. An Element object represents an editable region in a document, such as a section or a table cell. The document itself is an Element (the Document class extends Element). Later we will add a paragraph to a Document object.

Formatting Text

This article covers applying fonts, named styles, paragraph formatting and table formatting.

Creating Lists

To add a list to a section of your document, use one of the following methods. All of the methods insert a list at a specified point in an Element. An Element object represents an editable region in a document, such as a section or a table cell. The document itself is an Element (the Document class extends Element). Later, we will add a list to a Document object.

Creating Tables

To add a table to a section of your document, use one of the following methods. All of the methods insert a table at a specified point in an Element. An Element object represents an editable region in a document, such as a section or paragraph. The document itself is an Element.

Creating Sections

A Section object represents a major section in a document, like a chapter in a book. Many documents will only contain one section. In more complex documents, content can be divided into multiple sections.

Adding Images

To insert an image into a section of your document, use one of the following methods. Each method inserts an image at the beginning or end of an Element. An Element object represents an editable region in a document, such as a section or paragraph. The document itself is an Element.

Inserting Watermarks

A watermark is an image or text that when printed appears in the background of a document. The watermark text or image is faded so that it does not distract from the content of the document but is legible.

Importing Data

WordApplication's ImportData method allows you to import blocks of data to a worksheet from a database or a rectangular array. ImportData is a method of both Element and Table. Element.importData returns a Table object representing a table in the document that contains the imported data.Table.importData adds an new row to an existing table.

WordApplication Output Options

WordApplication offers a variety of different options for saving your WordWriter generated document.

Unfolding a Word document with WordApplication Sample

The code below provides a function "UnfoldDocument" which will produce a formatted text representation of the element hierarchy in a given Document. Output assumes a monospaced font and is suitable for writing to a plain-text file, printing to a console or inserting in a tag on an ASP.Net page.

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