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This example places the PivotTable on a separate sheet. It is recommended that each PivotTable be placed on a separate sheet.

This is because Excel does not allow PivotTables PivoTables to overlap . When building PivotTables in Excel, an error message will be thrown if performing an action would cause two PivotTables to overlapand will use error messages to prevent users from creating overlapping PivotTables. ExcelWriter does not have the ability to render PivotTables, so it cannot calculate which cells a PivotTable occupies. Therefore, it cannot detect when PivotTables might overlap and will not throw an exception even if the code generates overlapping PivotTables. detect if two PivotTables will overlap when they are rendered. To avoid this, we encourage you to keep your PivotTables on separate worksheets.


Code Block
PivotTable pt = pivot_ws.PivotTables.CreatePivotTable(data_area, 0, 0);

This example shows a PivotTable being created from a fully populated data set. PivotTables can also be created and modified in files that will be populated by ExcelTemplate. The same principles apply whether the data source contains values or data markers.

Step 3. Set PivotTable Options
