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WordApplication offers a variety of different options for saving your WordWriter generated document.


WordApplication only supports BIFF-8 file formats: DOC, DOT. All output options are limited to these file formats.


To save the generated file on the server, call:

Code Block

void Save(Document doc,
	bool preserve,
	String fileName)

If preserve is true, WordWriter will try to preserve all formatting and features in the file, including those that it does not directly support. These includes fields, footnotes, hyperlinks, comments, and anchored images. If preserve is false, only features directly supported by WordWriter will be preserved. These includes all tables, lists, headers, and footers. Setting preserve to false will produce a much smaller file.

fileName specifies a complete physical path and file name for the generated file. WordWriter will save the file to this location. If a file with the same name exists, it will be overwritten by the new Word file.


Code Block

WordApplication wwapp = new WordApplication();
Document doc = wwapp.Create();
wwapp.Save(doc, false, @"C:\Sales2003\June.doc");


Code Block
void Save(Document doc,
     bool preserve,
     System.Web.HttpResponse response,
     String fileName,
     bool openInBrowser)

void Save(Document doc,
     bool preserve,
     System.Web.HttpResponse response,
     String fileName,
     bool openInBrowser,
     String contentType)

If preserve is true, WordWriter will try to preserve all formatting and features in the file, including those that it does not directly support. These includes fields, footnotes, hyperlinks, comments, and anchored images. If preserve is false, only features directly supported by WordWriter will be preserved. These includes all tables, lists, headers, and footers. Setting preserve to false will produce a much smaller file.

fileName specifies a complete physical path and file name for the generated file. WordWriter will save the file to this location. If a file with the same name exists, it will be overwritten by the new Word file.


Internet Explorer can display a Word file in the browser window. When the generated document is streamed to Internet Explorer, the browser's settings will determine whether the file opens automatically or the user is asked to open or save the file. The parameter openInBrowserdetermines whether the file will open in IE or in a document application. If openInBrowser is set to true, the response content-disposition header is set to open the file in the browser window.


The ability to load Word files directly in Internet Explorer is disabled by default in IE 8 and higher.


Code Block

WordApplication wwapp = new WordApplication();
Document doc = wwapp.Create();


Write to Stream


Code Block
void Save(Document doc,
     bool preserve,
     OutputStream out)

If preserve is true, WordWriter will try to preserve all formatting and features in the file, including those that it does not directly support. These includes fields, footnotes, hyperlinks, comments, and anchored images. If preserve is false, only features directly supported by WordWriter will be preserved. These includes all tables, lists, headers, and footers. Setting preserve to false will produce a much smaller file.


Code Block

WordApplication wwapp = new WordApplication();
Document doc = wwapp.Create();
System.IO.Stream fstream = new System.IO.FileStream (@"C:\file.doc", FileMode.Create);
wwapp.Save(doc, false, fstream);



Code Block
WordTemplate.Open(WordApplication aApp, Document aDoc)


Code Block

WordApplication wwApp = new WordApplication();
Document doc = wwApp.Create();
WordTemplate wwTmpl = New WordTemplate();
wwTmpl.Open(wwApp, doc);