Excerpt |
Same as Basic Steps except all the formulas and references are in R1C1 notation. |
Here are some of the features shown in the sample:
- Setting cell values and formulas
- Adding a basic chart
- Using the color palette
- Applying styles and formatting
- Page setup, including headers and footers
- Setting "document properties" metadata
- Adding external pictures to a worksheet
- Defining clickable hyperlinks
- Using cell comments
- Setting Conditional Formatting
- Defining workbook and worksheet protection
Code Block |
class Basic_Steps_R1C1
///This class creates a workbook with only one Worksheet.
Declare ExcelApplication, Workbook, Worksheet, and Color
objects at the class-level.
private ExcelApplication xlw;
private Workbook wb;
private Worksheet ws;
private Color clrDarkBlue, clrDarkGreen, clrComment, clrTitleCell;
/// Build the report with ExcelApplication
public void GenerateReport()
///Create an instance of ExcelApplication,
a new Workbook, and create one Worksheet.
Switch the workbook to RC notation.
xlw = new ExcelApplication();
wb = xlw.Create(ExcelApplication.FileFormat.Xlsx);
///Set this property to turn or off the R1C1 formula
//parser. When set to true, all properties and methods
//that accept or return formula string will use R1C1 notation.
wb.UseRCFormulaNotation = true;
ws = wb.Worksheets[0];
///Demonstrate setting cell values
///Demonstrate setting formulas
///Set up colors that will be used in
//the workbook
///Add styles to the worksheet
///Set the Page Setup properties
///Set Document Properties
///Add a chart to the worksheet
///Add some comments to the worksheet
///Add a JPEG picture to the worksheet
///Add a hyperlink
///Use the CharacterRun object to
//stylize individual characters
//in a cell.
///Add Conditional Formatting rules to the Worksheet
///Turn off gridlines display
ws.ShowGridlines = false;
///Save the report by streaming it
//to the client's browser
xlw.Save(wb, @"..\..\ExcelOutputFiles\BasicStepsR1C1_output.xlsx");
/// The Cell's getCharacters method returns a
/// CharacterRun object that can be used to apply
/// formatting to specific characters in the cell.
/// Cell A1 is populated with "Welcome to SoftArtisans
/// OfficeWriter" in the populateWorksheet() method.
/// This stylizeHeaderCharacters() method formats
/// the individual words in the cell.
private void StylizeHeaderCharacters()
///Get a reference to cell A1
Cell cellHeader = ws[0, 0];
///Stylize the first word, starting from the
//first character, ending at the 10th
cellHeader.GetCharacters(0, 10).Font.Size = 12;
///Format the font for the next two words in the cell
cellHeader.GetCharacters(11, 12).Font.Color = wb.Palette.GetClosestColor(25, 116, 210);
cellHeader.GetCharacters(24, 12).Font.Color = wb.Palette.GetClosestColor(77, 82, 81);
/// Add protection to workbooks and worksheets
/// with various security-related properties.
private void SetProtection()
///The Workbook.setPasswordToModify property
//will cause the user to be prompted
//for a password when the workbook opens
//in Excel. Users without the password
//will get Read-Only access.
wb.PasswordToModify = "SomePassword";
///Worksheet.protect turns on Worksheet Protection.
//This can be used to "lock" cells to prevent them
//from being edited.
///setReadOnlyRecommended advises the user
//that the workbook should be opened as Read-Only
//when it's opened in Excel. This is advisory only
//and can be ignored by the user even if they don't have
//a password.
wb.ReadOnlyRecommended = true;
/// Create hyperlinks in cells with the
/// Cell.CreateHyperlink method.
/// It returns a Hyperlink object
private void AddHyperlink()
///Write bold-faced text into a cell to describe the hyperlink
ws[30, 0].Value = "Click here to visit SoftArtisans Support:";
ws[30, 0].Style.Font.Bold = true;
///Create the hyperlink
Hyperlink hl = ws[31, 0].CreateHyperlink("");
///Merge the cells containing the hyperlink together.
//This is optional, but improves the way it looks.
ws.CreateArea(31, 0, 1, 4).MergeCells();
/// <summary>Add some conditional formatting to the data in the worksheet.
/// Use the wb.CreateConditionalFormat() method to create a conditional formatting object
/// that can be applied to a Cell, Area, or Range.
/// Use the Cell, Area or Range SetConditionalFormat() method to apply a conditinal format.
/// </summary>
private void AddConditionalFormating()
//Create a conditional formatting object
ConditionalFormat cf1 = wb.CreateConditionalFormat();
//Create a range of the value columns
Area valuesArea = ws.CreateArea("R4C1:R24C3");
//Create a set of conditions, and set the fonts to warmer colors as the values go up
Condition condition1 = cf1.CreateCondition(Condition.Comparison.CellValueBetween, "=0", "=10");
condition1.Style.Font.Color = Color.SystemColor.Red;
Condition condition2 = cf1.CreateCondition(Condition.Comparison.CellValueBetween, "=11", "=20");
condition2.Style.Font.Color = wb.Palette.GetClosestColor(0, 25, 149);
Condition condition3 = cf1.CreateCondition(Condition.Comparison.CellValueGreaterThan, "=20");
condition3.Style.Font.Color = wb.Palette.GetClosestColor(36, 122, 51);
//Apply the conditional formatting object to the range of values
/// Insert external picture files into worksheets
/// with the Pictures.CreatePicture method.
/// Specify its location with an Anchor object.
private void AddPicture()
///The path to the picture that will be imported
string picturePath = @"..\..\ExcelImages\OWlogo.gif";
///Create an Anchor on which the picture will set
Anchor anch = ws.CreateAnchor(0, 7, 0, 0);
///Insert the picture into the workeheet.
//Its top left corner will be on the Anchor.
Picture pic = ws.Pictures.CreatePicture(picturePath, anch);
/// Comment items can be added,
/// edited, or removed from cells.
private void AddCellComment()
///Add a comment to cell C3
Cell c = ws[2, 2];
Comment cmnt = c.Comment;
///Set the comment text (body of comment note),
//author (shown in status bar),
//and visibility (false by default).
cmnt.Author = "John Doe";
cmnt.Text = "Figures for March are projected.";
cmnt.Visible = true;
///The Comment's Shape object
//can be used to stylize the
//comment tag itself.
//Set the fill color and FitToText
Shape shp = cmnt.Shape;
shp.SetCustomFillColor(0, 204, 255);
shp.FitToText = true;
/// The DocumentProperties object is used for setting
/// workbook metadata such as Author, Comments, Company,
/// and also user-defined custom properties.
private void AddDocumentProperties()
///Get the DocumentProperties interface from Workbook
DocumentProperties docprops = wb.DocumentProperties;
///Set built-in DocumentProperties values
docprops.Author = "John Doe";
docprops.Comments = "A basic demonstration of OfficeWriter for Excel";
docprops.Company = "SoftArtisans, Inc.";
docprops.Title = "Basic Report w/ Chart";
///Set custom DocumentProperties key/value pairs
docprops.SetCustomProperty("GeneratedBy", "SoftArtisans OfficeWriter for Excel");
/// Adds a simple clustered column chart to a worksheet
/// Category data is what appears on the X axis of the chart
/// Series items (there can be more than one) are the data that
/// the chart is displaying in the plot area.
private void AddChart()
///Create an Anchor on which the Chart will be placed
Anchor anch = ws.CreateAnchor(7, 4, 0, 50);
///Create a Column.Clustered chart on the Worksheet
Chart columnChart = ws.Charts.CreateChart(ChartType.Column.Clustered, anch);
///Use the chart's SeriesCollection to add Series items and set dategory data
SeriesCollection seriesCol = columnChart.SeriesCollection;
///Set the month header row as the Primary axis's category data
seriesCol.CategoryData = "Sheet1!R3C1:R3C3";
///Add the totals row as a series and name it "Sales"
Series chartSeries = seriesCol.CreateSeries("Sheet1!R25C1:R25C3");
chartSeries.Name = "Sales";
///Change the chart's title
columnChart.Title.Text = "Basic Column Chart";
/// Every Worksheet has a PageSetup object that can be
/// used to set print behavior. Commonly used PageSetup
/// capabilities are header/footers, and printer paper setup.
private void DoPageSetup()
///Get the PageSetup object from the Worksheet
PageSetup ps = ws.PageSetup;
///Set the worksheet headers and footers.
Note use of special header/footer variables.
// Updated to new syntax
HeaderFooterSection leftHeader = ps.GetHeader(HeaderFooterSection.Section.Left);
leftHeader.SetContent("Document name: &F");
HeaderFooterSection centerHeader = ps.GetHeader(HeaderFooterSection.Section.Center);
centerHeader.SetContent("Basic Report");
HeaderFooterSection rightHeader = ps.GetHeader(HeaderFooterSection.Section.Right);
rightHeader.SetContent("Generated by OfficeWriter");
HeaderFooterSection leftFooter = ps.GetFooter(HeaderFooterSection.Section.Left);
leftFooter.SetContent("Created on date &D");
HeaderFooterSection centerFooter = ps.GetFooter(HeaderFooterSection.Section.Center);
centerFooter.SetContent("Page &P of &N");
HeaderFooterSection rightFooter = ps.GetFooter(HeaderFooterSection.Section.Right);
rightFooter.SetContent("Create at time &T");
///Turn off the printing of gridlines
ps.PrintGridlines = false;
///Change printing orientation to Landscape,
and. paper size to Legal
ps.Orientation = PageSetup.PageOrientation.Landscape;
ps.PaperSize = PageSetup.PagePaperSize.Legal;
/// Apply some basic stylization to the data in the worksheet.
/// Use the setStyle method to set a base style for a Cell, Area, or Range.
/// Use the ApplyStyle method to "merge" or "layer" two Styles in one region.
private void AddStyles()
///Create a GlobalStyle to stylize the data region.
//Set number formatting, and a surrounding border.
GlobalStyle styleData = wb.CreateStyle();
styleData.NumberFormat = "$#.##00";
///Style for the header row.
//Add a surrounding border, and set
//bold-faced font.
GlobalStyle styleHeader = wb.CreateStyle();
styleHeader.Font.Bold = true;
///Style for the title cell. Enlarge the font
//and change the color.
GlobalStyle styleTitle = wb.CreateStyle();
styleTitle.Font.Size = 14;
styleTitle.Font.Color = clrTitleCell;
///The total row will have number formatting,
//bold, and italicized text.
GlobalStyle styleTotalRow = wb.CreateStyle();
styleTotalRow.NumberFormat = "$#.##00";
styleTotalRow.Font.Italic = true;
styleTotalRow.Font.Bold = true;
///Create an Area that encompases the data
and apply money formatting to the cells
Area areaData = ws.CreateArea(3, 0, 21, 3);
///Create an area that encompasses the totals row
Use the setStyle method to set the base style
Use the ApplyStyle to layer other styles on
the base style.
Area areaTotalRow = ws.CreateArea(24, 0, 1, 3);
///Stylize the title cell
ws[0, 0].Style = styleTitle;
///Make the month header row bold
ws.CreateArea(2, 0, 1, 3).SetStyle(styleHeader);
/// Add some data to the workbook by using the Cell.setValue() method.
/// Cells can be addressed by Excel address (eg, A1, B2), or by row/column
/// ordinal for iteration.
/// Cell.setValue() is just one way to add values to cells.
private void PopulateWorksheet()
///Cells can be referenced by Excel name (eg, A1, B2)
or by 0-based row number/column number
///Refers to cell A1
Could also write as ws["A1").setValue(...)
ws.Cells[0, 0].Value = "Welcome to SoftArtisans OfficeWriter";
ws[2, 0].Value = "Jan";
ws[2, 1].Value = "Feb";
ws[2, 2].Value = "Mar";
///Use row/column indices to easily iterate over cells
for (int iRow = 3; iRow <= 23; iRow++)
for (int iCol = 0; iCol <= 2; iCol++)
ws[iRow, iCol].Value = iRow + iCol;
/// The Cell.setFormula() method is for adding Excel formulas
/// to cells. The result of the formulas will be calculated when
/// the workbook is opened in Excel.
private void AddCellFormulas()
///Apply forumlas to cells with the Cell.setFormula() method using
a relative formula created with RC notation.
string formula = "=SUM(R4C:R[-1]C)";
///Display the formula in cell A25
ws[24, 0].Formula = formula;
///Display that formula in cell B25
ws[24, 1].Formula = formula;
///Create a Range to sum using RC notation.
Range rngMarch = ws.CreateNamedRange("R4C3:R24C3", "MarchRange");
///Display a formula that sums the range in cell C25.
ws[24, 2].Formula = "=SUM(MarchRange)";
/// Colors are managed by the Palette object.
/// Palette has several methods for retrieving colors
/// from the workbook's internal palette.
/// Also, there are build-in colors.
private void SetupColors()
///Note: clrDarkBlue, clrDarkGreen, and clrComment
//are declared above as private class members.
///Workbook.getPalette returns the Palette object
Palette pal = wb.Palette;
///GetClosestColor finds the color in the palette
//that most closely matches the specified Red,
//Green, and Blue values.
clrDarkBlue = pal.GetClosestColor(0, 35, 149);
clrTitleCell = pal.GetClosestColor(0, 35, 149);
///getColor will find the exact color you request.
//If the color does not exist in the palette
//it will throw an Exception.
clrDarkGreen = pal.GetColor(51, 153, 102);
// The color you requested was not found in the palette
///getColorAt gets the color from the palette at
//the specified index. This retrieves the second
//color from the palette.
clrComment = pal.GetColorAt(1);
///setColor and setColorAt are for changing
//the colors in the palette. Specify a Color to
//change for setColor, the index of the color for
//setColorAt, and then the RGB values for the desired
pal.SetColorAt(0, 0, 255, 0);
///The Color object has built-in colors
Color clrSysGreen = Color.SystemColor.Green;
Color clrSysBlack = Color.SystemColor.Black; ;
/// This method is here for your convenience. You might find it useful
/// in your project. It simplifies building formulas in this basic form only:
/// =[formulaName]([lBound]:[uBound])
/// For example, =SUM(A1:C3) or =AVERAGE(D2:C20)
private string BuildFormula(string formulaName, Cell lBound, Cell uBound)
System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();
return sb.ToString();